Driving evidence-informed change for researchers

Research impact lab

Research Impact Lab helps researchers to create change in policy, programs and service delivery.

The process brings together the expertise of researchers, clinicians and content experts to understand what needs to change, to build on the enablers of change, and to manage the barriers.

From this analysis, our team provides a pragmatic approach to achieving impact.

About Research Impact Lab

Many opportunities to apply evidence in policy, programs and service delivery are missed, and researchers are often unable to apply their findings in practice.  We know that research findings cannot be ‘transferred’ in a simple, linear way into action.  Rather, decisions to make change are affected by many factors such as resources, community views, capacity etc.  Significant evidence-informed change often requires coordinated effort by different organisations and individuals over a long period of time, and an ability on the part of those involved to identify and capitalise on opportunities for change when they occur.

While researchers increasingly want to see an impact from their work, there are few systems which they can use to maximise the chances of change in policy, programs and service delivery.

What we offer

  • A documented and compelling case for change that can be used by stakeholders
  • A Change Map outlining the steps to achieving change, agreed by stakeholders and the key actors
  • The creation of a coalition for change, including community, clinical and service delivery leaders
  • A capacity to mobilise the agencies that determine policy and service delivery arrangements
  • Tools and resources to support the change.

How we work

Pathways to change uses system thinking, cognitive behavioural methods and organisational approaches and provides a pragmatic approach to identifying achievable goals. The process brings the expertise of the Sax Institute together with that of researchers, clinicians and content experts to understand what needs to change, to build on the enablers of change, and to manage the barriers. From this analysis, the Pathways to Change process maps the steps required to help achieve the agreed outcomes.

Case study: Chronic Insomnia

This Case for Change was developed by the Sax Institute for the National Centre for Sleep Health Services Research.

Join our research network for opportunities to connect with health policy makers

Join our researcher database, Radar, to be notified of opportunities for researchers to work with health policy makers and see current expressions of interest.

Contact us

For further information, contact the Evidence Connect team at evidence.connect@saxinstitute.org.au