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Registrations for the event close 5pm Thursday, 20 July 2023

SURE has made huge advances in capabilities over the past two years and we want to share them with you in the hope that you can use them to turbo-charge your research projects to work more effectively and make new discoveries.

The objectives of this event are to:

  • Showcase recent SURE enhancements
  • Illustrate how the enhancements to SURE can be used to accelerate data analysis and
  • deliver timely research findings
  • Identify current or future needs from secure data access systems to guide the next phase of
  • SURE development.

We plan a short interactive session at the end of the event that seeks input and advice from participants on future SURE developments. We invite participants to provide comments during the event highlighting emerging research needs.

Speakers and panellists at this event include:

Please join us on Thursday 27 July, 1.00 pm – 2.30 pm AEST via Microsoft Teams. Registrations for the event are due by 5pm Thursday 20 July 2023.