This Rapid Evidence Summary looks at the effectiveness of school-located nurse models on student health, education and wellbeing. The strongest evidence was found for nurse-led models. All the included studies found that having a school nurse and school nursing interventions to be valuable for health promotion, early intervention, and timely care for at-risk students. They also found expanded nursing roles with more intensive care coordination and navigation, and efforts to engage families and social care providers to be of value. The authors note that the literature suggests that where nurses are an integral part of the school team and act as a central point of communication there is greater capacity for understanding students’ needs and mobilising targeted, appropriate and coordinated care.


Moore G, Du Toit A, Thompson S, Hutchinson J, Wiryoatmodjo A, Prakash Sivaprakash P, Gordon R. The effectiveness of school-located nurse models on student health, education and wellbeing: a Rapid Evidence Summary prepared by the Sax Institute for the NSW Ministry of Health, 2021. doi:10.57022/gmwr5438

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