This Evidence Check aimed to summarise the evidence on effective models of psychiatry service delivery for older people in four types of hospital and residential / long-stay care services. The review found that hospital mental health wards for older people were effective in improving neuropsychiatric symptoms, mood, anxiety and quality of life. Specialist consultations and liaison services enhanced the quality of hospital care and the adoption of best practice approaches by clinicians. They also reduced hospital stay and carer stress, and increased patient satisfaction with care. The authors compared outcomes for older people being treated in dedicated mental health services with mainstream (or ‘ageless’) mental health services and identified a gap in evidence. The review found the need for more research on psychiatric services in residential and long-stay care settings, and effective care models in particular populations, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


Cations M, Wilton-Harding B, Draper B, Laver K, Brodaty H, Low L-F. Psychiatric service delivery for older people with mental disorders and dementia in hospitals and residential aged care: an Evidence Check rapid review brokered by the Sax Institute for The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 2021. doi:10.57022/piul1022

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