This Evidence Snapshot, commissioned by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, summarises the evidence on improving oral health for adults with disability, and reducing associated risks to health and wellbeing. Most studies looked people with intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) and one at people with schizophrenia. Interventions included those directed to people with IDD and to caregivers, care planning and organisational interventions, and training interventions (for people with disability, family and carers, and clinical and non-clinical support workers). The report provides a comprehensive set of key messages related to the design and implementation of interventions, drawn from both peer reviewed and grey literature. The Snapshot is one of three rapid reviews funded by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission examining effective strategies to improve the health of people with disabilities.


Moore G, du Toit A, Thompson S, Knight A, Gordon G. The effectiveness of oral health interventions for people with disability: an Evidence Snapshot brokered by the Sax Institute for the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare, 2021. doi:10.57022/lose8402

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