Investigators: Ms Sandra Bailey, Dr Hilary Bambrick, Prof Emily Banks, Prof Adrian Bauman (CI), Dr John Beard, Prof Dorothy Broom, Prof Julie Byles, Prof Judith Clark, Prof Mark Harris, Prof Bin Jalaludin, Prof Louisa Jorm, Prof Tony McMichael, Prof Don Nutbeam, Prof Sally Redman, Dr Bryan Rodgers, Prof Deborah Schofield.

As the Australian population ages, there is an urgent need to understand how people can remain healthy and independent for as long as possible.

This research will examine the ways in which social, economic and environmental factors contribute to the health of Australians in mid to later life. The participants will be selected as a 100,000 person sub-sample of the 45 and Up Study, allowing an in-depth investigation into the ways in which these factors affect each other and their importance in different sub-groups within the population. Information gained from this project will outline the most necessary areas in which programs and policies should be directed to aid in improving the health of disadvantaged Australians.

Exploring the social, economic and environmental determinants of health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants and non-Aboriginal participants of the ‘45 and Up’ and ‘SEEF-A’ Study

Project ID: 06001H
Study type: Baseline, linkage

Investigators: Prof Emily Banks, Prof Adrian Bauman, Prof Sandra Eades (CI), Dr Lina Gubhaju, Ms Rona Macniven, Dr Bridgette McNamara.


This project investigates the socio-demographic characteristics, environmental factors, lifestyle behaviours and the physical and mental well-being of middle-aged and older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from New South Wales.