This Evidence Snapshot provides a rapid review of evidence on clinical interventions that are effective in managing e-cigarette (vaping) cessation for young people between the ages of 12 and 24 years. E-cigarette use is rapidly rising in NSW and there is increasing evidence on the harms of e-cigarette use. There is also evidence to suggest that e-cigarette users are three times as likely to take up smoking. The highest prevalence of e-cigarette use in NSW are young people between the ages of 12 and 24 years. This review identified 21 eligible studies. There were limited studies analysing the effectiveness of e-cigarette cessation interventions in a clinical setting. In the studies reviewed, e-cigarette tapering and nicotine replacement therapy in conjunction with behavioural counselling appeared to be the most effective clinical intervention. There is emerging evidence that digital interventions (text messages or apps) may be the preferred mode of delivery for young people. However, there are limitations concerning the development of these types of interventions in the clinical context and understanding their effectiveness in the long-term is yet to be demonstrated. The studies identified are generally very low quality, and it is not possible nor is it appropriate to make any definitive conclusions.
Moxham-Hall V, du Toit A, Rawlings D. Clinical interventions for e-cigarette cessation in young people: an Evidence Snapshot brokered by the Sax Institute ( for the NSW Ministry of Health. 2022.
doi: 10.57022/qbxv3372