There are 3 arms to this PACT study: a policy arm, a qualitative study arm, and a longitudinal data analysis arm. This project application concerns the longitudinal data analysis arm. Few studies examine the trajectories of caregivers across their caregiving journey and even fewer, if any, of these studies focus on positive aspects of caregiving. Longitudinal studies would allow us to examine how caregiver experiences change across time and identify predictors of positive caregiver experiences. Unfortunately, longitudinal data on positive aspects of caregiving is scarce as most studies only include negative outcomes. Until more data is available on positive aspects of caregiving, one solution is to model trajectories of negative outcomes (e.g. depressive symptomatology) and identity sub-trajectories of caregivers (e.g. low depressive symptomatology, high depressive symptomatology) and examine predictors of class membership. This would allow us to better identify predictors of caregivers more likely to experience few negative outcomes. We are aware that a lack of depressive symptomatology is not equal to a positive outcome of caregiving but it still helps to shed some light on the experiences of those caregivers who have a more positive caregiving journey. The main objective of this study is to examine the trajectories of caregivers on positive outcomes