Investigators: Mr Albert Bang, Prof Emily Banks, Mr Sam Egger, Dr Eleonora Feletto, Mr David Goldsbury, Dr Visalini Nair-Shalliker, Prof Dianne O’Connell, Mr Peter Sarich, A/Prof Freddy Sitas, (CI),  A/Prof David Smith, Dr Marianne Weber.

There is a lack of large-scale, prospective data on risk factors for cancer in Australia and the 45 and Up Study provides a unique opportunity to quantify local risk factors for cancer as well as identifying related health outcomes and accounting for cancer-related health services use.

This project aims to quantify factors relating to cancer incidence, care and outcomes in the 45 and Up Study, including cancer mortality, all-cause mortality, and health-sevices use with known and emerging lifestyle, demographic, and health-related cancer risk factors.