Investigators: A/Prof Hilary Bambrick, Prof Julie Byles, Prof Louisa Jorm (CI), Prof Hal Kendig, Dr Lynne Parkinson, Dr Robert Pedlow.

This research projects aims were to provide detailed information not previously available, about who uses Home and Community Care (HACC) Services in NSW and why, and about the relationships between use of HACC and hospital inpatient services. It explored older people’s capacities to remain in the community, their use of HACC and hospital services,  and the factors (personal, environmental and service related) that influence these.

Outcomes resulting from this research:

The project findings provide information on older people in need who do not make use of HACC services and information from the project regarding met and unmet needs for care informs the planning of HACC services.

Jorm L, Walter S, Lujic S, Byles J and Kendig H. Home and community care services: a major opportunity for preventive health care? BMC Geriatr 2010 May 22;10:26. doi: 10.1186/1471-2318-10-26Kendig H, Mealing N, Carr R, Lujic S, Byles J, Jorm L.

Assessing patterns of Home and Community Care service use and client profiles in Australia: a cluster analysis approach using linked data. Health Soc Care Community 2012;20(4):375–87. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2524.2011.01040.x

Report: Byles J, Jorm L, Kendig H, Lujic S, Mealing N, Walter S. The 45 and Up Study: Exploring the health of Home and Community Care clients in New South Wales. December 2009. Report to Ageing, Disability and Home Care, Family and Community Services.