This review examined the intersections between mental health and sexual assault and abuse. It aimed to identify key learnings related to service delivery and responses to improve mental health outcomes for people impacted by sexual assault and abuse. It reviewed themes related to sexual abuse and/or assault and mental illness in adulthood including assistance seeking, negative responses to disclosure and risk factors for poorer mental health among survivors. In relation to service delivery and responses, key themes included: important principles of care, service and support availability, trauma-informed models, staffing, coordination between sectors and providers and holistic approaches to care. Significant gaps in the evidence were found related to people with disability, older people, refugees and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


Breckenridge J, Suchting M, Singh S, Lyons G, Dubler N. Intersections between mental health and sexual assault and abuse: an Evidence Check rapid review brokered by the Sax Institute for the Mental Health Commission of NSW. doi:10.57022/trle5470

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